Dream Alone - Switch


A mysterious sickness strikes a quiet village. One by one the townspeople fall into a coma, entire families falling prey to a death-like state. When the hero’s family becomes affected by the disease, he starts a dangerous journey to find the mythical sorceress, Lady Death, who is supposed to have powers that can stop or perhaps even reverse the disease. The hero travels through many levels and include a forest, a cemetery, a battlefield, a ghost town, etc. Nearly all levels have their own alternative reality versions; slightly different versions that hold a few more objects or traps in different locations. As the story develops, the player uncovers more about the main hero’s past, his motivation and some very dark secrets.


60 %
Developer : WarSaw Games
Editor : Fat Dog Games
Type : Platform
Release date : 28/06/2018
PEGI : Rated 12+
Official website : dreamalone.com

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