Fear Effect Sedna - Switch


Fear Effect Sedna is set four years after the events of the original Fear Effect game, and things have changed for the team. Hana, freed from the Triad, lives with Rain in Hong Kong and works as an occasional mercenary, while Deke has grown apart from them since Glas returned to the US. Hana accepts a small mission for a shadowy organization asking for her services. Her target: a mysterious ancient statuette held by the Chinese ambassador in France. She sees it as a good opportunity to visit her birthplace. But this easy mission is about to lead Hana to something way bigger than she expected. Meanwhile Glas is approached by a client who catches his attention enough that he soon sets out for Greenland. How will these events bring the old team back together?


48 %
Developer : Sushee
Editor : Square Enix
Type : Action | Strategy
Release date : 06/03/2018
PEGI : Rated 16+
Official website : susheegames.com

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